The Truth About Bordetella

What is the difference between a 6 month Bordetella vaccine and a 1 year Bordetella vaccine?

Nothing, but...

While the vaccine itself is the same, full immunity isn't likely to last the full 12-months. There are two separate Bordetella (commonly known as kennel cough) vaccines because, depending on your dog's lifestyle, the shot might need to be boostered more often.

If your dog visits the groomer, is boarded, or goes to doggy daycare, a six-month booster is recommended - in fact, many pet facilities in St. Augustine require your dog to be vaccinated every 6 months.

If your dog visits the pet superstore with you and has some doggy friends, I'd recommend the one year booster. If your dog stays home and only interacts with other dogs when he visits St. Augustine Animal Clinic, the Bordetella vaccine may not be part of their wellness plan.

And don't worry - the Bordetella vaccine is also available for cats!

Facts About Bordetella

• The common types of Bordetella vaccines are injectable, intranasal, and oral. They are all effective.

• Even visiting other dogs in open spaces, like a dog park, still puts your dog at risk for exposure.

• It can take up to 72 hours for the vaccination to be effective after it has been administered.

• The Bordetella vaccination covers different strains of Bordetella, which is highly contagious and air-borne.

• Bordetella can be viral and/or bacterial. The bacterial pathogen can be spread to cats.

• While there are many reasons a dog may cough, kennel cough is the most common reason we vaccinate with the Bordetella vaccine.

We always want to prevent the disease, and never have to treat it, and the best way to prevent kennel cough is to vaccinate your pet prior to any exposure. Keep in mind that even dogs that get the vaccine can still potentially be infected, but usually to a much lesser degree - almost like what happens when humans get a flu shot. Make sure to have your dog vaccinated at least 1 week prior to exposure to other animals, when possible.